Become Scarabeo Studio Team Leader

When you reach level of €79 in incentives for recommending Scarabeo Studio to others (equivalent to cost of renewal) you can decide whether to become our rappre ... read more

When you reach level of €79 in incentives for recommending Scarabeo Studio to others (equivalent to cost of renewal) you can decide whether to become our rappresentative. We will give you full technical support for every service performed arranged with your help, this way you will not need to worry about coding at all. We will provide you with promotional materials and we will offer you part-time collaboration.
Becoming Team Leader for Scarabeo Studio means that you won't need to wait for renewal to use incentives accumulated. You can choose to access these funds as a collaborator if you step on this path (tax and legal requisites may apply in order to become collaborator and Team Leader for Scarabeo Studio).